R U OK? Day

|R u ok day signs|What's going on in their life?|What are the doing?|What are they saying?|R u ok? day||

R U OK? Day, today September 12, aims to create a world where people feel connected. This day is all about reminding everyone to ask, “Are you OK?” and to remember every day of the year to support people who may be struggling with life’s ups and downs.

This year the R U OK? movement is encouraging everyone to: Trust the Signs, Trust your Gut & Ask R U OK?  

Sometimes it’s hard to know if someone is struggling and asking them if they are ok can be difficult, here are some steps that can help you:

R u ok day signs1. Whenever you notice a change, no matter how small, trust your gut and ASK R U OK? and start a conversation

2. LISTEN without judgement, without interruption and take them and their conversation seriouslye

3. ENCOURAGE ACTION if they are struggling

4. CHECK IN on them regularly


Watch this animated video to see these steps in action > https://youtu.be/8B5ESnyQZXs

Learn the signs:

Horner are proud to be doing our bit to bring people together, celebrate R U OK? Day and to share the R U OK? message.

So today, and every day, let’s all ask our Horner Community of clients, candidates, suppliers and staff, R U OK?

For more tips, advice and tools, visit ruok.org.au

Horner, Connecting people, Shaping futures