Client Timesheet Information
Equip yourself with readily-available resources designed to streamline employer administrative tasks.
Manage Timesheets
In order for Horner to process online timesheets before our payroll cut off please ensure you approve all Horner online timesheets by 5.30pm each Monday.

Any timesheets approved after this cut off may result in our employee’s pay being held over to the following weeks’ pay-run.
If there is a public holiday on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, the payroll process timeline will be adjusted accordingly. Advance notification will be issued prior to the public holiday.
You will need your user name and password to log in.
Client Portal
Manage your professional profile and your employees’ timesheets through a centralised hub that enables approvals, delegation of approvals and rejections of employee timesheet, allowances and reimbursements. Within this online portal, you can also delegate other team members action approvals on your behalf.
You will need your user name and password to log in.
You should know that
- A condition of employment is that everyone must take at least a 30 minute break after working 5 hours.
- If on-hired casual staff have performed extra or different duties to those that they were initially briefed about when they were offered the work, they may be entitled to a change in pay rate.
- A change in duties could also put their safety at risk if they haven’t been provided with an appropriate health and safety induction or training. Please contact your Consultant to discuss this before varying any duties from the original job brief that was discussed and offered to the on-hired temporary worker.
Trouble shooting
Please contact your Horner Consultant or the Horner Payroll team:
Phone: (03) 9604 2800