Horner’s network just got wider by joining the NPAworldwide Recruiting Network

Blog - NPAworldwide Recruitment Network member

Horner is excited to announce we have recently joined the NPAWorldwide Recruiting Network.

What is the NPAworldwide Recruiting Network?

NPAworldwide is a global network of independent recruitment firms that collaborate together. NPAworldwide is the oldest recruiting network of its kind, with an international membership of recruiting firms located throughout Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, and the Americas. Members have to have a proven track record of both experience and success. Trust and integrity are hallmarks of our cooperative environment.

What does this mean for you as a Horner client or employer?

  • Access to a wider talent pool
  • Broader national and international connections and geographic reach
  •  Deeper local and global market knowledge and expertise
  • A trusted peer network
  • Faster turnaround times

What does this mean for you as a candidate?

  • Access to a larger pool of employers nationally and internationally
  • Access to a broader range of industry specialisations

Broaden your network with Horner Recruitment

If you are an employer seeking top talent locally or looking to expand interstate or overseas, reach out to Darren James, National Manager – Business Development  or Kylie Heffernan, CEO at Horner Recruitment, via phone, email or via LinkedIn for free discovery consultation to discuss a customised recruitment solution for your organisation.

Call (03) 9604 2888 or email horner@horner.com.au