Latest Hiring Trends

Hiring trends for candidates

In line with keeping our candidates and clients informed of hiring trends, we’ve asked Senior Horner Consultant, Ben Hutchison, to share his latest advice for candidates looking for new career opportunities…

“Pursuing new employment during the era of COVID-19 is requiring many candidates to adapt to new recruitment techniques.
With recruitment processes subject to social distancing, understanding how to ace a video interview or perform well in a conference call could be the point of difference between you and other candidates.
Candidates also need to be understanding and flexible with the social distancing and remote working requirements that a new employer may require of new staff members.
Added to the challenge of securing a new permanent job is that many industry sectors are experiencing a crowded candidate market, with large numbers of workers who have either been stood down or made redundant due to COVID-19 seeking new employment opportunities.
However, for those who possess the requisite skills and experience – and the ability to communicate those capabilities well during an interview – there remain good opportunities for an exciting and rewarding career move.”

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